Dog Breeds

 In this section I will provide detailed information on popular dog breeds that I see coming into the salon.

I will address common misconceptions people have with the breed they have (or are thinking of getting).

I will offer general advice on what certain breeds tend to be like in terms of: personality, grooming requirements, temperament and physical/mental requirements they have. This varies widely within breeds, so anything I share is based of my experiences. There isn’t really a science to it. For example, you can’t assume all pit bulls or chihuahuas are a certain way just because one or some of them have been. (Hmm, the same could be said for humans too… Interesting!)

I am always interested in hearing about your experiences with dogs and things you have found to be helpful.

I will update this section once a week.

Thank you for being here! As always, you can reach me on my socials or email me if you have any questions!